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2024-03-29 01:31 阅读了




Yes, it is true that "真的吗" can be translated to English as "Really?" or "Is that true?"


Learning a new language means learning not just the words and grammar, but also the common expressions and phrases used in everyday conversation. "真的吗" (zhēn de ma) is a commonly used phrase in Chinese that translates to "Really?" or "Is that true?" in English. Understanding how to use and respond to this phrase in English can help you improve your language skills and easily navigate conversations with native speakers.

Using "Really?"

The most common way to translate "真的吗" into English is as "Really?" This short phrase can be used in a variety of situations to express surprise, disbelief, or genuine interest in what someone else is saying.

For example:

  • Person A: 我只睡了三个小时。
    Person B: 真的吗?那你必须累坏了。 (Person A: I only slept for three hours. Person B: Really? Then you must be exhausted.)
  • Person A: 我们的公司刚获得了一百万的投资。
    Person B: 真的吗?那太棒了! (Person A: Our company just received a million dollars in funding. Person B: Really? That's amazing!)
  • Person A: 昨晚我和Tom在酒吧见面了。
    Person B: 真的吗?你和Tom还保持联系吗? (Person A: I met Tom at the bar last night. Person B: Really? Do you still keep in touch with him?)

Using "Is that true?"

"真的吗" can also be translated to English as "Is that true?" This form of the phrase is often used when someone wants to confirm the truthfulness of something they have heard or been told.

For example:

  • Person A: 据说今天会下雨。
    Person B: 真的吗?我还没看天气预报。 (Person A: I heard it's going to rain today. Person B: Is that true? I haven't checked the weather forecast yet.)
  • Person A: 我听说他们结婚了。
    Person B: 真的吗?他们一直都是好朋友。 (Person A: I heard they got married. Person B: Is that true? They've always been good friends.)

Other Responses

There are many other ways to respond to "真的吗" in English, depending on the context and situation.

  • Oh, wow!
  • That's incredible!
  • You're kidding me!
  • No way!
  • Are you serious?
  • That can't be true.
  • I don't believe it.


Learning how to use and respond to "真的吗" in English can help you improve your language skills and navigate conversations with native speakers. Whether you use "Really?" or "Is that true?" as your go-to response, make sure to pay attention to the context and tone of the conversation to determine the most appropriate way to respond.

  1. Introduction
  2. Using "Really?"
  3. Using "Is that true?"
  4. Other Responses
  5. Conclusion