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2024-03-29 01:46 阅读了



When encountering someone who is acting like a fool or behaving foolishly, it isn't uncommon to call them a "傻B" (shǎ bī) in Mandarin Chinese. But what exactly does this phrase mean and how can it be translated into English? Let's take a closer look.

What Does 傻B Mean in Chinese?

傻B is a slang term in Mandarin Chinese that can be used to describe someone who is acting stupidly or foolishly. The letters "B" in this phrase are phonetically similar to the Mandarin word "屄" (bī), which is a vulgar term for female genitals. As a result, many Chinese speakers consider this term offensive and inappropriate for casual conversation.

How Can You Translate 傻B into English?

The literal translation of 傻B into English would be "stupid cunt." However, this phrase is not commonly used in English-speaking countries, and might come across as rude or offensive, depending on the context. There are a number of other phrases that might be used to convey the same sentiment, including:

  • "idiot"
  • "fool"
  • "moron"
  • "buffoon"

When is it Appropriate to Use 傻B?

While 傻B might be used casually between friends or close acquaintances in some Chinese-speaking communities, it is not generally considered an acceptable term in polite speech. It is particularly inappropriate to use in professional or formal settings, and could even lead to disciplinary action or legal consequences if used inappropriately.


In conclusion, while 傻B might be a common slang term in Mandarin Chinese, it is not appropriate for everyone or every situation. If you feel that someone is behaving foolishly or stupidly, there are plenty of other ways to express your frustration or disappointment without resorting to insults or vulgar language.
