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2024-03-29 01:51 阅读了




How to say “平安夜” in English?

The English translation of “平安夜” is Christmas Eve. To be more specific, it refers to the evening or the day before Christmas Day which is on December 25th. Christmas Eve is one of the most important festivals in Western countries. People usually spend time with their families and friends, exchange gifts, sing carols, and attend church services.

How do people celebrate Christmas Eve?

In Western societies, Christmas Eve is usually celebrated with family and friends. People will exchange gifts, prepare a special dinner, decorate trees and house with various ornaments and lights. Churches hold special services, which have a great symbolic meaning for Christians. People also enjoy singing carols or watching traditional Christmas movies.

How to send greetings on Christmas Eve?

On Christmas Eve, people usually send greetings to their loved ones. Common ways to say Merry Christmas include:

  1. Merry Christmas!
  2. Happy Holidays!
  3. Wishing you a joyful and peaceful Christmas!
  4. May your Christmas be bright and full of cheer!
  5. Wishing you a warm and wonderful Christmas!

The significance of Christmas Eve

For Christians, Christmas Eve is a very important day because it marks the birth of Jesus Christ. It symbolizes hope and renewal for the world.


Christmas Eve, or “平安夜” in Chinese, is a day of joy and celebration for Westerners. People usually spend time with their families and friends, exchange gifts, and attend church services. It is the day before Christmas Day which is on December 25th. The significance of Christmas Eve lies in its symbolism of hope and renewal for the world.
