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2024-05-19 20:40 阅读了



When it comes to how to read the word "瘦" in English, there are actually several possible options, depending on the context and purpose of your communication. Here are some of the most common and accurate ways to convey this Chinese term in English:

1. Thin

The word "thin" is perhaps the most straightforward and general translation of "瘦". It simply means that someone or something is slim or slender, without specifying any particular degree of weight loss or body shape. For example:

  • "She used to be fat, but now she's really thin." (她以前很胖,现在瘦得不得了。)
  • "This fabric feels thin and lightweight." (这种面料感觉薄而轻。)

Note that "thin" can be either a neutral or pejorative adjective, depending on the context and tone. While some people may aspire to be thin as a sign of health or beauty, others may use it as a criticism or insult.

2. Slim

"Slim" is another way to translate "瘦", particularly when emphasizing a more attractive or proportional body shape rather than just a lack of fat. "Slim" often connotes a more positive connotation than "thin", suggesting a healthy and athletic appearance. For example:

  • "Her slim figure caught everyone's attention at the party." (她纤细的身材在派对上吸引了所有人的注意力。)
  • "Many models have a naturally slim build." (许多模特天生身材苗条。)

"Slim" is also used in many compound adjectives, such as "slim-fit" or "slim-line", which refer to clothing or design that is tailored to a slender body type.

3. Lean

The word "lean" can be used to describe a person or animal who is thin but also muscular and fit, implying a low body fat percentage and a high degree of physical activity. "Lean" is often associated with sports or exercise, as well as with some animals that are bred for meat or dairy consumption. For example:

  • "He has a lean, mean look that suggests he's an athlete." (他看上去瘦瘦巴巴的,像个运动员。)
  • "This steak is quite lean, with very little visible fat." (这块牛排很瘦,几乎看不到脂肪。

"Lean" can also be used as a verb, meaning to tilt or rest at an angle, or as a noun, referring to a type of meat.

4. Skinny

"Skinny" is a more colloquial and informal way to express the idea of being thin, and can sometimes have a negative or disparaging connotation. "Skinny" is often used to suggest a lack of health or vitality, as well as a lack of muscle or curves. However, it can also be used affectionately or playfully among friends or intimate partners. For example:

  • "I don't like how skinny I look in these jeans." (我不喜欢在这些牛仔裤里看起来很瘦。)
  • "He's always been a skinny guy, but he's still got a lot of energy." (他一直都是个瘦小的人,但他的精力还是很充沛的。)

Be careful when using "skinny" in certain contexts like health or body positivity, as it may be seen as promoting unhealthy or unrealistic standards.


In conclusion, there are several ways to read the word "瘦" in English, each with its own nuances and connotations. Whether you use "thin", "slim", "lean", or "skinny" will depend on the context, audience, and purpose of your communication. Regardless of which term you choose, it's important to use it accurately and respectfully, without promoting harmful stereotypes or prejudices.
